Category Uncategorized

Huddles: Passport Launched!!!

Dear Members, We finally launched Huddles: Passport! For this first trip, we are going to Hong Kong. Travel dates are confirmed to be from the 3rd of October to the 9th of October 2015. The trip will focus on three…

Annual General Meeting – 8th May 2015 (Friday)

Dear Members, The 2015 Youth Work Association Singapore (YWAS) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on 8th May 2014, Friday. Venue: Social Service Institute 111 Somerset Road, #04-01 TripleOne Somerset, Singapore 238164 Time: 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm. (Thank A Youth Worker…

TAYWD 2015

We are pleased to announce the generous support provided by one of our community partners, 77th Street, to all of you out there, working so passionately and tirelessly with youth. You deserve it! Come 8th May, we will present to…